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Nora Vetter
viola, performance, composition, improviations, interventions, installations, curation, text
Nora is a contemporary music performer, imporvisor and composer. She studied contemporary music performance at Zone éxperimentale Basel and is part of Kulturbrauerei Kollektiv, Semblance [FR], latenz ensemble, sonic space basel, mutual support duo, Gelbes Haus Luzern, forum neue musik luzern and VAMM Kollektiv. Most of her work is developped sightspecific or performerspecific, in close relation to the history and context of spaces and participants. Collaborations with visual artists like Katrin Keller and Pia Matthes, collective developement and creation of performative interventions with VAMM and longterm relationships with other creators of various fields are an important part of her practise, which she understands as creating and nourishing a network of cooperation and support of creativity from individual instrumentalists and friends to institutions and DIY organisations. Nora performs in various setting like art exhibitions, solo and group improvisations, experimental and classical contemporary music, theatre, mixed media projects and all things in between.
Upcoming concerts/performances:
- 2. November 2024, 19.30, LaVoirie, Biel
That weightless flesh is our relative tour by Rubén Bañuelos
incl. my composition "patch work"
- 8. November 2024, 20:00 PROGR Bern
That weightless flesh is our relative tour by Rubén Bañuelos
incl. my composition "patch work"
- 29. November 2024, 19.30, Club Knox, Arsenalstrasse 28a Kriens
Carolina Davis x unerhört
- 30. November 2024, 19:30 Rote Fabrik Zürich
unerhört Festival, Carolina Davis x unerhört
- 9. December 2024, secret location
surprise duo with Silke Strahl
- 20 December 2024 Solothurn
lunch concert with Adina Friis and Band
- 10. January tbd, Kosmos, Arsenalstrasse 28a Kriens
master concert Annika Granlund
- 14 March 2025, St.Gallen
Ensemble Theater am Gleis
- 26, 27 April, 10, 17 May
more infos soon
Selected Works:
patch work
comissioned by Rubén Bañuelos
winner of the Migros Double Mentor Programme 2023
for solo drumset, premiered Sept 2024, Neofonia Festival Ensenada MX
As part of the project This weighltess flesh is our relative with Rubén Bañuelos and Fernando Amaya
dark matter
commissioned by Hannah Wirnsperger and Daniil Gorokhov
for bass flute, bass trombone and electronics premiered Sept 2024 in Lichtenstein
Ein Sauberes Ende
Commisioned by Lucerne Festival Forward
Performative Intervention, premiered Nov 2022
Ein Sauberes Ende was the closing piece of Lucerne Festival Forward 2022. A participary project combining teh celebration of often underrated, "female" and "lower class" associated work like cleaning with the beauty of object music and the excitement of perceiving a well known room through the inventive use of bodies and sounds in space.
artistic direction and concept, with latenz ensemble, a part of INNEREIEN 2022
Walking concert inside the Zivilschutzanlage Sonnenberg Luzern, a civil bunker built during the cold war. Four commissions by local composers, combined with multiple transducer-sound-intalltions for historical context and light concept designed by scenographer Pia Mattes using lights that are usually used in bunkers and construction sites, (ver)graben digs into swiss self understanding; the perception of bunkers a safe space and a hideout for secrets usually ignored.
Dream Paralysis
Commisioned by latenz ensemble
Multimedia Piece for ensemble, lights and electronics, premiered Oct 2021
Dream Paralysis is a deep dive into the seeping mind of collective consciousness, tingeling the senses and evoking the uneasy feeling of staring to deep into the loophole of everyday life's nightmares. The void is not empty.
Based on sleep cycles, lighting, movement, breath and sound transcend to create a caleidoscope of shattered memories
Album release with Kulturbrauerei Kollektiv Luzern
As the first of two conceptually entangled albums, SoloSolo is a collection of miniatures by the players of Kulturbraurei. in TuttiTutti, these miniatures get combined.
premiered at attacca Festival 2021
for quartett and flashlights
Using morse code, kkkLLLkkk is based on wishes collected during the COVID pandemic. A form of silent cry, the piece transcends language into visual rhythms.
for quartett and flashlights
Using morse code, kkkLLLkkk is based on wishes collected during the COVID pandemic. A form of silent cry, the piece transcends language into visual rhythms.
premiered at Alpentöne Festival 2019
At its high time, the old silo of Altdorf was a wheat storage supplying more than half the population of Switzerland. Now it is a gallery for contemorary art in a country where around a third of the entrire food is wasted. In Brotbrotbrotbrot, the insanity of the excess and social structures relying on greed are put ad absurdum in a race for bread falling from the ceiling. Contrasting this performance of exhaustion are traditional european songs that sing about food, baking and bread.
premiered at Alpentöne Festival 2019
At its high time, the old silo of Altdorf was a wheat storage supplying more than half the population of Switzerland. Now it is a gallery for contemorary art in a country where around a third of the entrire food is wasted. In Brotbrotbrotbrot, the insanity of the excess and social structures relying on greed are put ad absurdum in a race for bread falling from the ceiling. Contrasting this performance of exhaustion are traditional european songs that sing about food, baking and bread.
premiered at Alpentöne Festival 2019, in collaboration with Asia Ahmetjanova
A piece that opens up questions about our incapabilities of imagining large quantites of time and the possibilities of dreaming about a future where mankind is not anymore a dominant force on Earth.
Selected Projects & Performances:
Goodbye Lullabies
mit Meret Siebenhaar und Klara Germanier, 2024
This weightless flesh is our relative tour, Sept-Oct. 2024
with Rubén Bañuelos and Fernando Amaya. Concerts in Mexico and Switzerland incl. premiere at Neofonia Festoval Ensenada.
Fête à Bruit 2024 Festival, Biel, 2024
Project with Semblance, incl installation from Julie Zhu and mediation workshop, France 2024
ULYSSES Ensemble for 2023
in collaboration with ULYSSES platform, IRCAM, Manifest Festival, Centre Pompoidou, Ensemble Intercontemporain, Ensemble Divertimento, Fondation Foyaumont
(video will come soon)
Schauspielhaus Zürich, Christopher Rüping, Christoph Hart
Festival Voix Nouvelles, Fondation Royaumont, France 2023
with Semblance, premiere of The Diggers by Julie Zhu for Ensemble and open air multichannel setup
8.-10. Sept 2023
No Ordinary Festival for Improvisation, Thessaloniki
Asia Ahmetjanova, commissioned by Ensemble Ö!
For ensemble, solo viola and conductor, premiered Oct 2022
Alice Trost
Solo improvisation performance with viola and electronics
Indu Luzern
Share Fest @ Aarhus Jazz Festival 2022
Festival for improvisation
Kollektiv Kulturbrauerei @ Neubad Luzern Sept 2021
Collective concepts and experimental composition and performances connected to rage.
Felix Nussbaumer, premiered Sept 2021
for saxophone, viola, electronics and video
for Silke Strahl and Nora Vetter
Abbeye Royaumont, with premieres of pieces by Alberto Carretero and Sergio Redrigo and a collaboration with Simon Steeh Andersen
Alwynne Pritchard, 2021 for physical performer
adapted in exchange and with immense gratitude wo Alwynne Pritchard
Marco Colonna, 2019
for Nora Vetter
grphically noted improvisation
Black Angels
Geroge Crumb, 1976
in collaboration with FHNW Basel and Thater Basel, Oct 2020
Festival Alpentöne 2019
site specific long term untervention with HSLu Luzern and Urban Mäder
@ Nora Vetter, 2024
all right reserved
Photo: @ Lucas Dubuis

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